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The slow wheels of Justice
Author: BobR    Date: 11/19/2008 13:48:54

We the people of this great nation have had to endure the insulting and - at times - criminal behavior of the Bush Administration for 8 years now. We've waited in vain for the Democrats in the House to do something (like impeach the bastards). There have been investigations and subpeonas, but the only result was Scooter Libby's indictment and subsequent pardon regarding his role in outing Valerie Plame.

As it happens, it was announced yesterday that Plame and Wilson are taking their civil lawsuit to the Supreme Court:
Former CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson and her husband, former ambassador Joseph Wilson, plan to take their civil lawsuit against Bush administration officials to the Supreme Court after a federal circuit court refused to rehear the case on Monday.

Wilson v. Cheney, filed in 2006, charges that Bush administration officials such as Vice President Cheney, and aides Karl Rove and I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, violated Plame's constitutional rights in allegedly engineering the outing Plame, who was undercover at the time, as retaliation against her husband, an Iraq war critic, who had been sent to Niger in 2002 to investigate the possible sale of yellowcake uranium to Iraq.
In August, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit upheld a district judge's dismissal of the suit saying that it failed to establish a constitutional issue.

"There must be consequences when government officials abuse their power and endanger national security for political ends," said CREW Executive Director Melanie Sloan on Tuesday. "This is an issue worth fighting over and we will not give up."

Another scandal from the past is the U.S. Attorney firings. The Senate Judiciary committee released a report yesterday showing that these firings were linked to the highest levels of the Administration:
The Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday said the 2006 firings of U.S. attorneys were orchestrated by the “highest political ranks” in the White House.

The report named former deputy White House chief of staff Karl Rove as among those involved.

“The evidence shows that senior officials were focused on the political impact of federal prosecutions and whether federal prosecutors were doing enough to bring partisan voter fraud and corruption cases,” the report said.

The committee’s majority also concludes the Justice Department’s publicly stated reasons for the firings were “contrived as part of a cover-up.”

Rove did not respond to an e-mail asking for comment.

The findings were released by committee chairman Sen. Pat Leahy, a Vermont Democrat. The full report will be filed with the Senate today.

In a statement, Leahy said the report demonstrated why the Senate should pursue contempt citations against Rove and former White House official Josh Bolten for failing to comply with committee subpoenas in the case.

Rove and Bolten have claimed executive privilege in declining to testify.

Can we see Rove doing a perp walk?... can we?... please?... The bad news: In the ongoing investigation into the Justice Department, taxpayers will be paying for his private attorney. Gonzales requested the private attorney because "private counsel can often be useful where (department) officials are sued in an individual capacity". Apparently, even HE realizes that the stooges they hired wouldn't be able to defend him very well.

The big news yesterday, however, was that Cheney and Gonzales were indicted! A south TX (yes! - Texas!) county indicted them on charges relating to federal prisons in that county:
Cheney is charged with engaging in an organized criminal activity related to the vice president's investment in the Vanguard Group, which holds financial interests in the private prison companies running the federal detention centers. It accuses Cheney of a conflict of interest and "at least misdemeanor assaults" on detainees because of his link to the prison companies.

Megan Mitchell, a spokeswoman for Cheney, declined to comment on Tuesday, saying that the vice president had not yet received a copy of the indictment.

The indictment accuses Gonzales of using his position while in office to stop an investigation in 2006 into abuses at one of the privately-run prisons.

Sure it's not the war crimes indictment we all dream of, but it's a start.

The other big news yesterday was that Ted Stevens officially lost his seat in the Senate. That means that Sarah Palin won't be the states' next Senator. As it relates to this blog post, he said he won't be seeking a presidential pardon for the crimes of which he's been convicted. Not that it matters, Bush will be handing out pardons like candy on Halloween.

What he may NOT be able to do, though, is offer blanket pardons as they relate to torture, according to our "esteemed" colleagues at FAUX News. According to their legal analyst, Bush has to name names when issuing pardons:
George W. Bush "is not a big pardon guy," [ ] says a Fox News legal analyst, but there has been increasing speculation that he might wield the pardon power more generously as he prepares to leave office. However, there are some pardons that Bush either cannot or will not issue.

"The president can still pardon anybody he wants at any time he wants for anything done in their past for a federal violation," former judge Andrew Napolitano explained to the hosts of Fox and Friends on Tuesday. "He has so much absolute pardon power, he could pardon himself."

But although Bush might even pardon individuals who have not yet been charged -- as Gerald Ford did for Richard Nixon -- Napolitano insisted that he cannot issue a blanket pardon to everyone who may have engaged in extreme interrogation techniques. "You've got to name them," Napolitano explained. "You can't pardon somebody without saying who it is."

With just 62 days and a few hours left, I am sure we'll see a lot more 11th hour manuvering. Hopefully, we'll see actual justice done in our lifetime.


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